Qualifications to Lead Successful Employee Engagement Efforts

Local consultant and writer wrote an excellent piece for the Anchorage Daily News re. needing to start solving employee disengagement at the top of the company.  https://www.adn.com/business-economy/2023/12/11/the-problem-of-employee-disengagement-starts-at-the-top/ She offers an assessment tool for leader/managers to have employees complete to rate them (she proposes a scale of 1-7)“in terms of trustworthiness”.  She lists 7 elements as follows: Is a straight shooter…

Why I Wrote Creating High Performers

It is either in my DNA or sourced in an early childhood experience, but I am a compulsive helper.  It was my role in the family and, ultimately, a mainstay of my leadership approach.  An Ivy League master's degree in business/public administration afforded me no knowledge of how to lead people.  It was (is it still?) strangely absent from the…

Ignoring the Obvious

 “The Great Resignation” saw/is seeing a shift in why people leave their jobs. A 2021 Pew Research Center study https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/03/09-majority-of-workers-who-quit-a-job-in-2021 cite-low-pay-no-opportunities-for-advancement-feeling-disrespected/) 63% of those leaving cited low pay, 63% no opportunities for advancement, and 57% felt disrespected. It would appear that many of those who were out of work during COVID came to see their work-life balance differently and decided…

A Crucible for Non-Profits

Def. Crucible:  a situation or severe trial in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new Often, non-profit organizations lack the apprehension about the future and a sense of urgency typically found in for profits.  There are exceptions, such as non-profit healthcare organizations whose customers have multiple choices in the marketplace.  But, those that are grant-funded, although…