
In Creating High Performers, I devote a chapter to “Relationship and the Underlying Principle of Fairness. ”  In it, I state, “You cannot achieve employee engagement unless fairness is maintained.” Why is this important? Gallup reports that companies with engaged employees are 21% more profitable, experience 41% less turnover, and have 10% higher customer ratings. In short, if you can…

Give Up Being Right

My friend and mentor, Ken Blanchard, offers leaders countless bits of wisdom. Among my favorites is “Give up being right. You will end up dead right”. Returning to his original One Minute Manager best seller, Ken is constantly preaching that it is about being aware of and “praising” others for being right that develops “winners.” He calls it “catching them…

Eroding Spirit in the Workplace

Eroding Spirit in the Workplace By William Dann In my introduction to the 2 nd edition of Creating High Performers, I write the following: "One takeaway from implementing the 7 Questions method is that lack of fulfillment from work constitutes a spiritual crisis for many in the workforce. A second takeaway is that higher performance and happier employees are attainable…

Declining Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement – def. from Wikipedia -  An "engaged employee" is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. An engaged employee has a positive attitude toward the organization and its values. [1]  In contrast, a disengaged employee may range from someone doing the bare…